Talk by Zorica Puškar Gallien (ZAS, Berlin), Tuesday 11th, 4-6 pm
We are very happy to announce the next talk in the GK Colloquium, which will take place on Tuesday, June 11, 4 – 6 pm in SH 5.105.
Zorica Puškar Gallien (ZAS, Berlin) will present „Disassembling and reassembling pronouns“.
Looking at personal pronouns in the Slavic family, local-person (1st and 2nd person) can be taken to differ from 3rd person in the following respects: (i) local-person pronouns have a unique form for every person+number combination (ii) 3rd person pronouns have an invariable base, to which affixes for gender and number are added; (iii) these suffixes are the typical affixes found on nouns as well. Moreover, despite lacking overt gender distinctions, local-person pronouns control gender agreement, indicating that (natural) gender must also be a part of their feature inventory. The goal of this talk is to provide a unified model of the form, locus and function of phi-features of pronouns that will account for their morphological distinctions and agreement properties.
Following recent proposals that...