Talk by Marta Wierzba, Wednesday 6th 4-6 PM

The next talk in the phonology colloquium will be by Marta Wierzba (Potsdam University) - Abstract below:   06.11.19 Marta Wierzba: "Focus projection: extending the empirical data base" Room: IG 4.301 Everybody is welcome!   In this talk, I present two experiments on focus projection in German. In transitive sentences, prosodic prominence on the object is compatible with interpreting a larger unit (VP, IP) as focused. Such a broad-focus interpretation is usually assumed to be less available when the subject or the verb is the most prominent element. In experiment 1, I use a new experimental paradigm to test whether this prosodic asymmetry carries over to sentences with wh-movement. In experiment 2, I investigate whether projection is also possible for a different information-structural category, namely contrastive topics (CTs), and to what extent CT projection follows the same pattern as focus projection....
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Talk by Kathryn Barnes, Thursday – October 31, 4-6 pm

We are happy to announce a talk by Kathryn Barnes. Please find an abstract below. Title: Modals in Malay Room: IG 4.301 Date: October 31 Time: 4pm - 6pm Abstract: Crosslinguistic research into modal systems outside of Europe has revealed systematic variation in how modal force, strength and flavour are grammaticalised in different languages. This talk aims to give an initial analysis of the grammaticalisation of these features in modality in Malay, looking specifically at the necessity modals mesti (must) and perlu (need). The data collected through semantic fieldwork with speakers of Malay found that the modals display previously observed behaviour with regard to flavour; mesti varies between epistemic and root modal flavour, with perlu being restricted to root modality. However, both modals vary between weak and strong necessity readings and their root readings are also gradable, with perlu consistently being stronger than mesti. The use of a degree-based analysis of necessity modals, initially put forward by Portner & Rubinstein (2016), to interpret mesti and...
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Talk by Corinna Langer, Wednesday 23 October, 4-6 pm

The next talk in the phonology colloquium will be by Corinna Langer on "Focus sensitivity and prosodic structure in Hungarian - A case study on the additive particle is" (Room: IG 4.301). Everybody is welcome! — Abstract In this talk, I present a case study on the Hungarian additive particle is `also, too'. It is an investigation on the (syntax-)semantics-prosody interface, looking at five different usages of the additive particle, the readings and interpretations it can occur with, and their relation to the prosodic pattern of the clause. Following Balogh (to appear), the additive paticle is analyzed as being associated with the pragmatic focus (Lambrecht 1994) of the sentence. In this study, I show that not all of the five usages are focus sensitive and present the prosodic patterns of the different usages and the different possible focus domains of the focus sensitive readings....
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