We are very happy to announce the next talk of this semester’s Syntax Colloquium, which will take place on Monday, November 25, 4 – 6 pm in IG 4.301.
Doreen Georgi (Potsdam) will talk about „On two types of resumption in Igbo and the nature of islands“.
We provide novel data from Igbo (Benue-Kwa, Nigeria) which show that the languages has
two types of resumptive pronouns (RPs) in A-dependencies: RPs that occur at the bottom of
dependencies that involve (a) base-generation (topicalization) and (b) movement (wh/focus
fronting). While it has been argued before that different kinds of RPs can co-exist in a language
(a.o. Borer 1984, Aoun et al. 2001, Bianchi 2004, Sichel 2014), the evidence is usually based on
subtle reconstruction effects in relative clauses. Igbo exhibits movement RPs in wh/fronting
and provides additional evidence e.g. from morpho-phonological cyclicity effects. The use of
RPs in movement dependencies is restricted to just a few contexts. We argue that these RPs
surface in order to fulfill PF-requirements (realization of oblique case...