Talk by Frank Sode (GU)

We are happy to announce a talk by Frank Sode (GU) at the Semantics Colloquium. Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom on Thursday at 4 pm. Title: A Unified Semantics for Hidden and Complement Fulfilling Conditionals in Desire reports Date: November 19 Time: 4 pm - 6 pm Abstract: The topic of this talk is the semantics of desire reports, as illustrated by the examples in (1). (1) a. I want you to be here.       b. I wish you were here.       c. I would be glad if you were here.       d. I'm glad that you are here. The focus will be on the interpretation of the sentences in (1) at the syntax-semantics interface. Heim (1992) argues that sentences like (1-a) and (1-b) hide a conditional on some level of semantic interpretation. Williams (1974) has argued that the "if"-clauses in examples like (1-c) is "complement fulfilling". Typically, predicates that license complement fulfilling conditionals are classified as factive when they combine with a "that"-clause, as in (1-d). I will argue...
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Talk by Cornelia Ebert (GU) in the _Bochum Language Colloquium_

There will be a talk by Cornelia Ebert (GU) in the _Bochum Language Colloquium_ on November 5. You can find the abstract below. Please note that there will be no Semantics Colloquium in Frankfurt on November 5, so this talk might be a good alternative for anyone who wanted to participate in the Semantics Colloquium on Thursday, since it takes place at the regular meeting time of our colloquium.   *Title:* Semantic Effects of Gesture-Speech Alignment  *Date/Time:* 05 November, 16:15–17:45 CEST   Zoom link: Zoom Meeting-ID: 840 1405 1687   ;   Password: 9AKcXf   *Abstract:* Ebert & Ebert (2014) argue that the semantic contribution of a co-speech gesture is partly determined by the temporal alignment of gesture and speech. They claim that an iconic gesture (e.g. a manual gesture depicting "square" or a square object) that accompanies an indefinite ('a window') makes a different contribution than the same gesture that accompanies a definite ('the window') or one that is temporally aligned only with the NP complement ('window'). Crucially, it...
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BA Linguistik Orientierungsveranstaltung am 02.11.2020

Liebe Studierende im ersten Fachsemester des BA Linguistik,   anders als ursprünglich geplant, können wir die Orientierungsveranstaltung für die Studierenden im ersten Fachsemester des BA Linguistik nicht als Präsenzverstaltung abhalten. Wir bedauern das sehr. Die rasant angestiegenen Corona-Infektionszahlen gerade im Raum Frankfurt lassen es notwendig erscheinen, unsere Veranstaltung in den virtuellen Raum zu verlegen, um alle Beteiligten vor dem Risiko einer Ansteckung zu schützen.    Dennoch werden wir uns am Montag, dem 2. November 2020 um 15.30 zu unserer Orientierungsveranstaltung treffen, und zwar in Gestalt einer Zoomsitzung. Den Link zu Zoom haben Sie bereits per Email erhalten. Falls Sie keine Email erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Dr. Schulze-Bünte.  ...
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BA inguistics orientation on campus on November 2

Dear students in their first semester of the BA Linguistics,   Unlike originally planned, we are unable to hold the orientation event for students in the first semester of the BA Linguistics as a classroom event. We regret this very much. The rapidly increasing number of corona infections, especially in the Frankfurt area, makes it seem necessary to move our event to the virtual room in order to protect all participants from the risk of infection.    Nevertheless, we will meet on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 3:30 pm for our orientation event, which will take the form of a zoom session.   You have already received the link to Zoom by email. If you have not received an email, please contact Dr. Schulze-Bünte.  ...
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Talk by Carla Umbach (ZAS, Cologne University) – Thursday, July 16, 4-6pm

We are happy to announce a talk by Carla Umbach (ZAS, Cologne University) at the Semantics Colloquium. Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data (to zoom) on thursday at 4pm (= immediately before the colloquium starts). Title: Equatives in Turkish – two cognitive strategies across categories Date: July 16th Time: 4pm - 6pm...
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