Genehmigung des DFG Schwerpunktprogramms „Visuelle Kommunikation“ (2022-2028)

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft hat ein neues Schwerpunktprogramm „Visuelle Kommunikation. Theoretische, empirische und angewandte Perspektiven (ViCom)“ mit Koordination am Institut für Linguistik der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt eingerichtet. Weitere Information sind unter folgendem Link zu finden:
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End of semester

Dear colleagues, students and guests of the Institute of Linguistics, The courses of the winter semester are coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your activities and effort during the semester. Enjoy a few peaceful weeks and recharge your batteries for the new semester. Stay healthy - we look forward to seeing you again next semester, even if mostly virtual. Best regards Your Institute of Linguistics...
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43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS)

Das Institut für Linguistik präsentiert sich auf der diesjährigen Jahrestagung der DGfS (23.02.2021 - 26.02.2021) mit einer AG (AG 1: Grammatical gaps: Definition, typology and theory geleitet von Helmut Weiß und Thomas Strobel) und diversen Vorträgen. Eine Übersicht über das gesamte Programm finden Sie hier.   Hier eine Übersicht des Programms mit Frankfurter Beteiligung:   Mittwoch, 24.02.2021: 13:45-15:45 AG 1: Thomas Strobel, Helmut Weiß, Grammatical gaps: Definition, typology and theory 13:45-14:45: Caroline Féry  The role of stress and metrical foot in ineffability in German  AG 10 (10a): Prosodic boundary phenomena 13:45-14:15: Isabelle Franz, Christine Knoop, Gerrit Kentner, Sascha Rothbart, Vanessa Kegel, Julia Vasilieva, Sanja Methner & Winfried Menninghaus  Prosodic phrasing and syllable prominence in spoken prose: Prediction from text and validation AG 12 (11a): Eye-tracking and language production 15:15-15:45: Yvonne Portele  Implicit perceptual priming in context: When the prominent patient meets the eye   Mittwoch, 24.02.2021: 16:30-18:00 AG 10 (10a): Prosodic boundary phenomena 16:30-17:00: Gerrit Kentner, Isabelle Franz, Christine Knoop & Winfried Menninghaus Pause duration and other prosodic boundary cues are not monotonically correlated   Donnerstag, 25.02.2021: 9:00-10:30 AG 10 (10a):  Prosodic boundary phenomena 10:00-10:30:...
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Talk by Patrick Grosz (University of Oslo)

We are happy to announce a talk by Patrick Grosz (University of Oslo) at the Semantics Colloquium. Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom on Thursday shortly before the talk starts. Title: What face emojis can teach us about language Date: February 18 Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct Abstract: Face emojis are a means to integrate features of multimodal communication into written digital communication (exemplified for the happy face in the written message "is there coffee? 😀"). They appear to be digital counterparts of facial expressions, intonation in speech, or natural language expressions such as the interjections "wow", "ugh", and "yuck". Based on a semantic analysis of text-accompanying face emojis, this talk raises the question of what they can teach us about the accompanying text itself. In other words: what can we learn about language (as the traditional object of study in linguistics) from looking at face emojis? A particular focus in this talk will be on the anaphoricity of face emojis...
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Talk by Sebastian Walter (GU)

We are happy to announce a talk by Sebastian Walter (GU) at the Semantics Colloquium. Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom on Thursday shortly before the talk starts. Title: Asymmetric mood marking in German conditionals Date: February 11 Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct Abstract: Research on conditionals has focused on conditionals with so-called symmetric mood marking (cf. (1)), meaning that they are marked either with indicative mood or subjunctive mood in the antecedent as well as in the consequent. (1) a. Wenn Emma am Marathon teilgenommen hat (ind), hat (ind) sie gewonnen.           ‘If Emma participated in the marathon, she won.’      b. Wenn Birgit bei dem neuen Italiener essen gewesen wäre (subj), hätte (subj) sie sich eine Pizza bestellt.          ‘If Birgit had been at the new Italian restaurant, she would have ordered a pizza.’ However, in German there are also conditionals with so-called asymmetric mood marking, as in (2): (2) a. Wenn Julian sich einen Hund kauft (ind), würde (subj) Markus...
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