Talk by Seunghun J. Lee (International Christian University, Tokyo / University of Venda, South Africa)
We are happy to announce the next talk in the Phonology Colloquium by Seunghun J. Lee
Title: A modular theory of the relation between syntactic and phonological constituency
Date: Wednesday, 29.06.2022
Time: 16-18
Location: in person on campus IG 4.301 (if necessary, we will stream the talk via Zoom)
If you are registered in Olat you'll find the Zoom link there. If you want to participate via Zoom, please register via email to Alina Gregori:
In this talk, we present a proposal about how syntactic constituents and phonological constituents are related. This modular account explain mismatches between syntactic and phonological/prosodic constituency by re-construing Match constraints (Selkirk 2011) as spell-out constraints that relate the output representation of the morphosyntax to the input representation for the phonology. In the phonology per se, a novel class of prosodic structure faithfulness constraints interacts with prosodic structure markedness constraints to produce further constituency mismatches in the output phonological representation. Main data in this talk comes from H tone spreading...