Workshop „Selected Topics in Spanish Syntax“, February 2

We are very happy to let you know that in the first week of February, some colleagues from the Universidad de Alcalá will be visiting. They were so kind to agree to present some of their work at a small workshop. The workshop will take place in the afternoon on Thursday, February 2 and include the following talks:   14.05 Silvia Gumiel-Molina & Norberto Moreno-Quibén What does it take to grammaticize a judgement: semicopulative verbs and evaluativity  15.10 Isabel Pérez-Jiménez & Irene Areses & Gonzalo Escribano Pseudocopular verbs as subjectivity markers in Spanish: the case of “se me hace” 16.00 Coffee break  16.30 Irene Areses Hybrid agreement in Spanish: the case of “collective” nouns 17.15 Jennifer Tan On what is (un)known in Spanish: the case of “se conoce”   Title: Selected Topics in Spanish Syntax Time: 2pm - 6pm, 02 February, 2023 Place: IG 4.201    ...
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Talk by Caroline Féry (GU)

We are happy to announce the next talk in the Phonology Colloquium by Caroline Féry (GU). Title: The recursive structure of the prosodic word in German Date: Wednesday, 25.01.2023 Time: 16-18 ct. Location: in person on campus IG 4.301 (we will stream the talk via Zoom) If you are registered in Olat you'll find the Zoom link there. If you want to participate via Zoom, please register via email to Alina Gregori: Abstract: We will look at the interface between morphology and prosodic structure, i.e., how morphemes and words are mapped to prosodic constituents such as moras, syllables, feet and prosodic words. Beside a demonstration of the recursive prosodic structure of inflection, derivation and compounding – the typical concatenative morphological processes of German – the outputs of the non-concatenative part of morphology – usually a disyllabic trochee – will also be addressed. Ito & Mester’s (2012) min-max model of prosodic structure will be used and a formal OT approach will be sketched....
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Talk by Klaus von Heusinger (Cologne)

We are happy to announce a talk by Klaus von Heusinger (Cologne) in the Semantics Colloquium. The talk will take place on campus in IG 4.301. Title: Weak and strong definite articles in German and Evidentiality Date: January 26 Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct Abstract: German has a strong and a weak form of the definite article, which can be distinguished by their ability to merge with certain prepositions (strong: zu dem, weak: zum). The strong or full form is used in anaphoric and familiar contexts, and the weak or reduced form is used in contexts with a uniqueness condition (Ebert 1971, Schwarz 2009). The choice of one form in bridging contexts depends on the type of bridging: part-whole bridging contexts favor the weak form, and producer-product bridging prefer the strong form. We argue that the choice of the article form also depends on the way the speaker and hearer perceive the referent: if the referent is visible and touchable, the weak form is enhanced, while a less direct experience, say...
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