ProfessorTeamJule Adebar |
Scientific profile
- Prosody, tone and intonation
- Multimodal communication and gesture-prosody integration
- Intonation and information structure
- Intonation and sentence mode
- Prosodic typology
- Prosodic phrasing and recursivity
- Experimental phonology
Room: IG 4.315
Telefon: 069 / 798-32217
E-Mail: kuegler AT
Scheinabholung: Mi, 10:00 – 12:00
Contact: Birgit Nutz, nutz AT
Current courses in Phonology and beyond can be found in the LSF of the University. We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Current news and information
- January: Organisation of the Roundtable on Multimodal Speech data.
- February: Organisation of a workshop at the Annual Meeting of the German Society of Linguistics 2024 in Bochum: “Prosody in Focus – Prominence Marking from Multiple Perspectives” (AG10).
- September: Organisation of the second International Multimodal Communication Symposium (MMSYM2024).
- Current project: Frank Kügler, Frankfurt, und Pilar Prieto, Barcelona:
Co-speech gestures and prosody as multimodal markers of information structure (MultIS)
Part of the priority programme ViCom: Visual Communication. Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Perspectives, DFG Priority Programme 2329, Cornelia Ebert und Markus Steinbach. - Approved project: New CRC funded by the DFG on Negation in Language and Beyond, including a project on the processing of prosody and negation (PIs: Frank Kügler und Markus Bader).
There are two laboratories associated with the chair of phonology:
- timetable perception lab
- timetable production lab
If you would like to use the laboratories, please contact Tina Bögel.
New Publications
- Kügler, Frank & Alina Gregori. 2023. “Iconic Gestures in Focus – Synchronization of Prosody and Gestures in Prominence.” In: Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (eds) Proceedings of 20th ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic August 2023. 4125-4129. Guarant International.
- Gregori, Alina, Federica Amici, Ingmar Brilmayer, Aleksandra Ćwiek, Lennart Fritzsche, Susanne Fuchs, Alexander Henlein, Oliver Herbort, Frank Kügler, Jens Lemanski, Katja Liebal, Andy Lücking, Alexander Mehler, Kim Tien Nguyen, Wim Pouw, Pilar Prieto, Patrick L. Rohrer, Paula G. Sánchez-Ramón, Martin Schulte-Rüther, Petra Schumacher, Stefan Schweinberger, Volker Struckmeier, Patrick C. Trettenbrein & Celina I. von Eiff. 2023. “A Roadmap for Technological Innovation in Multimodal Communication Research.” In: Duffy, V.G. (eds) Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14029. 402-438. Springer, Cham.
- Langer, Corinna & Kügler, Frank. 2023. “Prosody-Syntax Interface and Hungarian Noun Phrases”. In: Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (eds) Proceedings of 20th ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic August 2023. 1290-1294. Guarant International.
- Zerbian, Sabine & Kügler, Frank. 2023. “Sequences of high tones across word boundaries in Tswana”. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 53,2: 361-382. DOI:
- Asudeh, Ash, Bögel, Tina, and Daniel Siddiqi. 2023. “Modelling exponents”. In Proceedings of the LFG23 Conference. PubliKon, University of Konstanz.
- Zhang, Cong, Lai, Catherine, Napoleao de Souza, Ricardo, Turk, Alice, and Tina Bögel. 2023. “Language redundancy effects on F0: A preliminary controlled study”. In: Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (eds) Proceedings of 20th ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic August 2023. Guarant International.
- Bögel, Tina, Hill, Romi, Hofenbitzer, Justin, and Tianyi Zhao. 2023. “The phonetics-phonology-syntax interface: A computational implementation”. In: Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (eds) Proceedings of 20th ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic August 2023. Guarant International.
- Kentner, G., Franz, I., Knoop, C.A., & Menninghaus, W. 2023.”Prosodic boundary strength and phrase-initial syllable duration”. In: Skarnitzl, R. & Volín, J. (eds) Proceedings of 20th ICPhS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic August 2023. 1440-1443. Guarant International.
- Kentner, G. 2023. “Reduplication as expressive morphology in German”. In: Williams, J. (Ed.): Expressivity in European Languages. Cambridge University Press. 103-119.
- Kentner, G., Franz, I., Knoop, C.A., & Menninghaus, W. 2023. “The final lengthening of pre-boundary syllables turns into final shortening as boundary strength levels increase”. Journal of Phonetics, 97, 101225.
Older news and research output can be accessed here here
Several group members visited the ICPhS 2023 in Prague:
Former members
Beata Moskal
Dominik Thiele