Talk by Ede Zimmermann (GU) – Thursday, May 14, 4-6pm
We are happy to announce another talk by Ede Zimmermann (GU) next thursday at the Semantics Colloquium. Please find an abstract below.
Since this talk will be held online, please note that you need to register beforehand. To do so, please send an email to before May 14. You will receive a reply with the access data (to zoom) and a handout on thursday at 4pm (= immediately before the colloquium starts).
Title: Propositionalisms
Date: May 14th
Time: 4pm - 6pm
Roughly, propositionalism is the thesis that informational content is always truth conditional (Grzankowski 2013). In particular, the objects of psychological attitudes need to be propositions – in some sense, which includes propositional concepts (cf. Blumberg 2018) as well as perspectival content (Lewis 1979). Thus propsitionalists seek to reduce attitudes towards "intentional“ objects in terms of propositional attitudes: someone who is looking for a unicorn strives for it to be the case that he or she finds a unicorn (Quine 1956);...