Syntax Colloquium 18.01.2021 – Viktor Köhlich
We are very happy to announce the next talk in our syntax colloquium this term. Viktor Köhlich (Frankfurt) will talk about "Direct and Indirect Modification in Japanese and the Japanese Word Class System". The talk will take place online, please see the information below on how to participate.
Title: Direct and Indirect Modification in Japanese and the Japanese Word Class System
Time : 18.01.2021
Place: Zoom (If you are not a regular member of the syntax colloquium and if you would like to listen to this talk, please contact Katharina Hartmann. You will be sent a link / ID to Zoom.)
Please find the abstract below. Your are all cordially invited.
In this talk, I will present the main ideas of my dissertation project. This project deals with the questions how prominent direct nominal modification is in Modern Standard Japanese and which elements act as exclusively direct modifiers. My goal is to defy the prevailing claim in the literature that Japanese lacks direct modification entirely. Embedding Japanese into the cartographic framework,...