Talk by Aleksandra Ćwiek (ZAS Berlin)
We are happy to announce a talk by Aleksandra Ćwiek (ZAS Berlin) in the Semantics Colloquium.
The talk will take place on campus in IG 4.301.
Title: Sorting the Mischmasch of German Ideophones
Date: November 25
Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct
Most of the articles or lectures on ideophones begin with quoting Mark Dingemanse’s work. This one will be no different. An ideophone is “a member of an open lexical class of marked words that depict sensory imagery” (Dingemanse, 2019, 16). Words like boing or swish evoke a sense of sound and movement, respectively. However, Indo-European languages have been called “ideophonically impoverished” (Diffloth, 1972, 440; Nuckolls, 2004). In this project, I tackle this problem by inspecting the breadth of ideophones in German. I will present a data set of German ideophones that my colleagues and I collected from children’s books. Overall, we collected a total of 1,020-word forms and 650 lemmas, i.e., unified word forms. In this talk, I will present the data and discuss some further ideas to refine it. In addition,...