Syntax Colloquium 18.01.2021 – Annika Draudt
Dear colleagues,
we are very happy to announce a second talk for the next session of our syntax colloquium this term. Annika Draudt (Frankfurt) will talk about "Possessives and Demonstratives in Swedish Noun Phrases". The talk will take place online, please see the information below on how to participate.
Title: Possessives and Demonstratives in Swedish Noun Phrases
Time : 18.01.2021
Place: Zoom (If you are not a regular member of the syntax colloquium and if you would like to listen to this talk, please contact Katharina Hartmann. You will be sent a link / ID to Zoom.)
Note that in this session of the colloquium, we will have two talks. The talk by Annika Draudt will be preceded by a talk from Viktor Köhlich.
Please find the abstract below.
You are all cordially invited!
In this talk, I present the topic of my master thesis. My thesis deals with possessives and demonstratives in Swedish noun phrases from a nanosyntactic perspective. There are two main problems that I am...