Joint syntax and phonology colloquium (31.05.21 – 4-6pm)

Dear all, We are happy to announce a joint syntax and phonology colloquium with two WOCAL talks ( Date: Monday,  31.05.2021 Time: 16-18 Location: Zoom:  Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom. Daniel Aremu & Frank Kügler: On the suspension of downstep – the case of Yoruba polar question intonation Abstract: In this talk, we present an analysis of tonal downstep in Yoruba declaratives and polar questions. Polar questions are formed in two different ways, either with sentence-initial question particles, or string-identical to statements. We show that downstep is not suspended in question intonation, which holds for all polar question formation strategies. This finding is contrary to claims made on downstep in questions (Hyman 2001).  Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann: Selecting Alternatives in Eton Abstract: In this talk,  we provide a novel analysis of the augment in the Bantu language Eton, based on original fieldwork. We argue that in contrast to previous analyses, the augmentin Eton not only marks local modification of the noun but does...
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Roundtable discussion on the Prosody of Pronouns 19.05.2021

Dear All, We are happy to announce the Roundtable discussion on the Prosody of Pronouns as part of the phonology colloquium, featuring talks by Marlene Böttcher, Fabian Schubö & Sabine Zerbian (U Stuttgart), Seunghun Lee (Christian U Tokyo), Tina Bögel (U Konstanz/ U Amherst), Anja Arnhold, Regina Hert & Juhani Järvikivi (U Alberta), Markus Bader (GU), and Frank Kügler (GU). All information including abstracts can be found at: Date: 19.05.2021 Time: 15.00 – 18.30 CET Location: Zoom Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom! All are welcome! /frank...
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Phonetik & Phonologie 17 (GU) Call for abstracts

Phonetik & Phonologie 17 – Goethe Universität Frankfurt Die Frankfurter Phonetik und Phonologie freut sich auf die Ausrichtung der diesjährigen P&P-17! Wir laden herzlich ein zur Einreichung von Abstracts zu allen Bereichen der Phonetik und Phonologie. Insbesondere ermutigen wir Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen zur Teilnahme. Wie bisher auch planen wir einen Mix aus Vorträgen und Postern und bitten dies bei der Einreichung und bei der Angabe zum Präsentationsformat zu bedenken.  Einreichungen: Abstracts (max. 300 Wörter ohne Literaturverzeichnis; anonymisiert) bis spätestens 30. Mai 2021 unter Easychair: Tagungsort: Goethe Universität Frankfurt, aus gegebenem Anlass virtuell über ein geeignetes Tool (weitere Informationen dazu folgen) Konferenzsprache: Konferenzsprache ist grundsätzlich Deutsch; Beiträge auf Englisch werden akzeptiert Wichtige Daten: Easychair Portal öffnet                    30.04.2021 Einreichungen bitte bis                   30.05.2021 Mitteilung über Annahme              30.06.2021 Anmeldung bis                                  15.08.2021 Tagung                                      ...
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Syntax Colloquium 08.02.2021 – Nina Adam

We are very happy to announce the next talk in our syntax colloquium this term. Nina Adam (Göttingen) will talk about "Where do Czech clitics go, and why? A constraint-based analysis”. The talk will take place online, please see the information below on how to participate. Title: "Where do Czech clitics go, and why? A constraint-based analysis” Time : 08.02.2021, 4 pm Place: Zoom (If you are not a regular member of the syntax colloquium and if you would like to listen to this talk, please contact Katharina Hartmann. You will be sent a link / ID to Zoom.) Please find the abstract below. You are all, as always, cordially invited! =================== Where do Czech clitics go, and why? A constraint-based analysis In this talk, I will present the current status of my dissertation project on Czech clitic placement. I will give a short introduction into the properties of Czech second-position clitics and the challenges they provide for syntactic analyses. I will then argue that Czech clitics should...
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Syntax Colloquium 01.02.2021 – Harold Torrence

We are very happy to announce the next talk in our syntax colloquium this term. Harold Torrence (UCLA) will talk about "The Pathway of Successive Cyclic Movement: Evidence from Avatime Complex Predicates”. The talk will take place online, please see the information below on how to participate. Title: "The Pathway of Successive Cyclic Movement: Evidence from Avatime Complex Predicates” Time : 01.02.2021, 4 pm Place: Zoom (If you are not a regular member of the syntax colloquium and if you would like to listen to this talk, please contact Katharina Hartmann. You will be sent a link / ID to Zoom.) Please find the abstract below. You are all, as always, cordially invited! All the best, Johannes =============== "The Pathway of Successive Cyclic Movement: Evidence from Avatime Complex Predicates” Understanding the mechanism of successive cyclic A'-movement is a longstanding issue in generative syntax. Within this framework of ideas, one central concern has been to determine what are the intermediate landing sites. Related to this is the question of why particular...
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