Preliminary information on in-person teaching in the winter semester 2021/22

Preliminary information on in-person teaching in the winter semester 2021/22 For the coming semester it is planned to return more to in-person teaching.  For that, the participation restrictions in terms of the 3G rules will probably apply (participation possible for vaccinated, recovered and tested students). Please check the course descriptions in the course catalog and further the associated Olat courses for the specific schedule of the relevant courses. Implementation of the Framework: Checking of 3G rules will most likely take place at the entrance to the university buildings. It is very likely that masks will be mandatory in the course rooms. In the case of rule violations, access will be denied or expulsion from events and buildings will take place in accordance with house rules. Furthermore, workrooms for students will be available on the Westend Campus from 18.10.2021. The President's Office will inform you as soon as more details are available! If you have any further questions, please contact the respective lecturers. We wish you a good...
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End of semester

Dear colleagues, students and guests of the Institute of Linguistics, The courses of the winter semester are coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your activities and effort during the semester. Enjoy a few peaceful and sunny weeks and recharge your batteries for the new semester. Stay healthy - we look forward to seeing you again next semester. Best regards Your Institute of Linguistics...
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Phonology colloquium: Miriam Riedinger (U Mainz) 14.07.21

We are happy to announce the final talk in the phonology colloquium this semester by Miriam Riedinger (U Mainz). Title: "Either phonological or phonetic features? Evidence for cue weighting in vowel processing" Date: Wed 14.07.2021 Time: 16 - 18 Room: Zoom Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom! Abstract: Miriam Riedinger – University of Mainz In recent years much research has been conducted on vowel processing. Most studies assume that either phonological or phonetic features are necessary in vowel discrimination. Hence, mainly two models, the Featurally Underspecified Lexicon (Lahiri & Reetz, 2002, 2010) and the Natural Referent Vowel framework (Polka & Bohn, 2011), are discussed in this context. In my talk, I will present neuronal and behavioral evidence which suggests that vowel discrimination is not solely based on either phonological or phonetic features. I propose that both types of features are necessary in vowel processing and therefore it is more about prioritizing one or the other due to contextual factors....
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Phonology colloquium: Pilar Prieto (ICREA-UPF) Date: 7-7-21

We are very happy to announce the next talk in our phonology colloquium this term. Pilar Prieto (ICREA-UPF) will talk about "Prosodic and bodily signals act as joint bootstrapping mechanisms in pragmatic development" The talk will take place online, on Zoom. Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom! Pilar Prieto: Title: "Prosodic and bodily signals act as joint bootstrapping mechanisms in pragmatic development" Time: Wed 07.07.2021, 16-18ct...
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Phonology Colloquium: Fuchs: “Some considerations on hand-mouth coordination in speech

We are very happy to announce the next talk in our phonology colloquium this term. Susanne Fuchs (ZAS Berlin) will talk about "Some considerations on hand-mouth coordination in speech" The talk will take place online, on Zoom. Please register beforehand ( to receive the access data to zoom! Susanne Fuchs: Title: Some considerations on hand-mouth coordination in speech Time: 16. June 2021, 4 pm ct...
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