Aktuelle Ausgabe “Forschung Frankfurt” – Beitrag zu ViCom und Gestenforschung

In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Wissenschaftsmagazins der Goethe-Universität: Forschung Frankfurt gibt es einen interessanten Beitrag zur visuellen Kommunikation und Gestenforschung mit Bezug zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Visuelle Kommunikation" unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Cornelia Ebert (Goethe-Universität) und Prof. Dr. Markus Steinbach (Universität Göttingen)(ab S.44): https://www.forschung-frankfurt.uni-frankfurt.de/111309754.pdf Link zur Homepage des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Visuelle Kommunikation": https://vicom.info...
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Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Dear colleagues, students and guests of the Institute of Linguistics. The year is coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Enjoy a few peaceful days and recharge your batteries for the new year. Stay healthy - we look forward to seeing you again next year, even if virtually. Best regards Your Institute of Linguistics...
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Phonology Colloquium – Ludger Paschen, 24.11.21, 16-18, on campus!

Dear all, We are happy to announce the next talk in the phonology colloquium by Ludger Paschen (Leibnitz ZAS, Berlin & Potsdam University) Title: Final Lengthening – a universal phenomenon? Insights from 25 languages Date: November 24, 2021 Time: 16-18 ct Location: IG 4.301 Abstract: Final Lengthening – a universal phenomenon? Insights from 25 languages. Lengthening of segments in the vicinity of prosodic boundaries is often considered a universal phonetic process (Fletcher 2010). However, language-specific variation with respect to the scope and extent of lengthening is also attested, especially in languages that have a phonological vowel length contrast (Hyman 2009, Nakai et al. 2009). In this talk I will present results from a cross-linguistic study investigating final lengthening of vowels in 25 languages from a worldwide sample. The data are taken from DoReCo, a corpus containing annotated and time-aligned recordings from language documentation projects (Seifart et al. 2021). Results indicate that while final lengthening is widespread, it is not without exceptions, and the presence of phonological quantity may indeed...
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