Talk by Fenna Bergsma (Frankfurt)

We are very happy to announce the next talk in our syntax colloquium this term. Fenna Bergsma will talk about "A typology of case competition in headless relatives". The talk will take place online, please see the information below on how to participate. Please not the change from our usual time! Title: A typology of case competition in headless relatives Time : 30.11.2020, 2 pm Place: Zoom (If you are not a regular member of the syntax colloquium and if you would like to listen to this talk, please contact Katharina Hartmann: You will be sent a link / ID to Zoom.) Please see below for the abstract. You are all, as always, cordially invited! ============================ A typology of case competition in headless relatives   In case competition in headless relatives two aspects play a role. The first one is which case wins the case competition. It is a crosslinguistically stable fact that this is determined by the case scale in (1). A case more to the right on...
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Online-talk by Marie-Luise Schwarzer, May 25, 4-6pm

We are happy to announce the next talk in the syntax colloquium this term. Marie-Luise Schwarzer (Leipzig) will talk about "An [E] feature analysis of German determiner sharing". The talk will take place online, please see the information below on how to participate. Title: An [E] feature analysis of German determiner sharing Time : 25.05.2020, 4.15 pm Place: Zoom If you are not a regular member of the syntax colloquium and if you would like to listen to this talk, please contact Katharina Hartmann: You will be sent a link / ID to Zoom....
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Talk by Silvia Schäfer, Monday 10th 4-6 pm

We are very happy to announce the last talk of this semester’s Syntax Colloquium, which will take place on Monday, February 10, 4 – 6 pm in IG 4.301. Silvia Schäfer will talk about „The variation of participle agreement in four Veneto dialects“. Abstract: In my research project, I deal with the (apparently) optional participle agreement in VS structures of four Veneto varieties (Italy). I conducted fieldwork in which I tested whether the nature of the postverbal DP affects the preferably produced and accepted participle agreement. In this talk, I will present my fieldwork, including research questions, methodology and the first quantitative results. I will outline the deducible generalisations and raise the controverse question of variation in generative syntax.   You are cordially invited!...
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Talk by Frank Sode – Thursday 6th 4-6 pm

We are happy to announce a talk by Frank Sode (Goethe Universität). Please find an abstract below. Title: The syntax and semantics of suppletive "wenn"-clauses: Evidence from V2 Room: IG 4.301 Date: February 6th Time: 4pm - 6pm Abstract: As Williams (1974) observed, the sentence in (1-a) can have a reading that can be paraphrased as in (1-b). (1) a. I would be happy if Bill were here.      b. I would be happy that Bill was here, if he were. Pesetsky (1991) argues that Williams' paraphrase is "more than a mere paraphrase". According to Pesetsky (1991), something like (1-b) is an actual syntactic representation of (1-a) at some level of the derivation. It is well-known that V2-clauses in German can alternate with suppletive "wenn"-clauses in construction with preference predicates, see for example Frank (1998), Meinunger (2004), Meinunger (2007). (2) a. Es ist besser, wenn du kommst.           It is better if you come       b. Es ist besser, du kommst.           It is better you come       Both: 'It is...
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