We are happy to announce a talk by Rebecca Jarvis (Berkeley/Potsdam) in the Syntax Colloquium.
The talks will take place in person. Room SH 2.102
Date: November 04, 2024
Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct
Title: "Three paths to resumption in Atchan”
In this talk, I document a three-way split in resumption morphology in Atchan (Kwa, Côte d’Ivoire). I show that the morphology of resumptive elements depends both on the kind of A’-dependency involved and the identity of the peripheral element: topics are resumed differently than other elements, and in some positions and dependencies pronouns are resumed differently than lexical DPs. The dependency type split, I argue, is best analyzed by assuming that topics are base-generated in the clausal periphery, while other dependencies involve movement (as is cross-linguistically familiar; cf. Cinque 1977, Aissen 1992, Georgi & Amaechi 2022). Meanwhile, the split between pronouns and lexical DPs emerges in movement-derived dependencies. I argue that the particularities of this second split favor a view on which two...