Talk by Amir Anvari (Paris) – Thursday, June 25, 4-6pm
We are happy to announce a talk by Amir Anvari (Paris) next thursday at the Semantics Colloquium. Please find an abstract below.
Amir Anvari pre-recorded his talk for our meeting. Please send a mail to to receive the link. By this, you also register for the discussion session at our usual time. You will receive a reply with the access data (to zoom) on thursday at 4pm (= immediately before the colloquium starts).
Title: The variable-based account of indexical shift redux
Date: June 25th
Time: 4pm - 6pm
The observation that in some languages indexicals can shift, i.e., can refer to objects other than those that make up the actual speech event, was something of a bombshell thrown by Philippe Schlenker in his 1999 dissertation, with quite far reaching consequences both for philosophy of language and linguistic analysis proper. Schlenker took the data to be pointing to a view of language on which attitudinal predicates quantify over contexts and indexicals involve context variables that,...