Talk by Oliver Schallert (LMU München)

We are happy to announce a talk by Oliver Schallert (LMU) in the Historical Linguistics Colloquium. The talk will be held in German. Title: Grammatische Lücken und Lückenbüßer bei der Subjekt-Verb-Kongruenz im Deutschen Date: Friday, 24.06.2022 Time: 10-12 c.t. Location: IG 2.201 in person (Shortened) abstract: Im meinem Vortrag beschäftige ich mich mit der Frage, wie die Subjekt-Verb-Kongruenz bei disjunktiven Koordinationen geregelt ist. Ich präsentiere Ergebnisse einer Akzeptabilitätsstudie, die sich im Design an Himmelreich und Hartmann (2021) orientiert, aber schwerpunktmäßig rein pronominale Subjekte berücksichtigt. Einflussfaktoren auf die Kongruenzverhältnisse sind u. a. die Abfolge von Kongruenzauslöser (Controller) und Kongruenzziel (Target) sowie Synkretismen, die die Kongruenzprobleme quasi auf morphologischer Ebene lösen. Mit Blick auf die grammatische Modellierung skizziere ich eine Analyse im Rahmen der Lexikalisch-Funktionalen Grammatik (LFG), die eine einfache Implementierung von sprachübergreifend validen Resolutionsregeln ermöglicht (Corbett 1983; Corbett 1983; Dalrymple und Kaplan 2000; Dalrymple 2001)....
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Talk by Kevin Tang (HHU Düsseldorf)

We are happy to announce the next talk by Kevin Tang (HHU Düsseldorf) in the Phonology Colloquium. Title: Sentence prosody leaks into the lexicon: evidence from Mandarin Chinese Date: Wednesday, 15.06.2022 Time: 16-18 Location: IG 4.301 in person, if necessary with additional Zoom If you want to participate via Zoom, please register via email to Alina Gregori: Abstract: While the precise extent to which phrasal phonology interacts with word-level phonology is a long-standing issue, it is generally assumed that lexical phonology is at least somewhat independent of phrasal phonology, including intonation. Exemplar theory complicates this division, as phonetically detailed exemplars encode context-dependent prosody in the lexical representation (Pierrehumbert 2016). In line with this prediction, some evidence for the lexical encoding of intonation has been found in German and English, languages in which pitch accents are assigned at the phrasal level (Schweitzer et al. 2015). Schweitzer et al. showed that f0 contours are more stable in predictable collocations than in unpredictable collocations, suggesting a possible lexicalization of intonation. The current study probes this issue in Mandarin...
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Talk by Fatima Hamlaoui (University of Toronto)

We are happy to announce a talk by Fatima Hamlaoui in the Phonology Colloquium. Title: Prosodic Transfer in Contact Varieties: Vocative calls in Metropolitan and in Basaá-Cameroonian French Date: Wednesday, 01.06.2022 Time: 16-18 Location: Hybrid - Zoom and IG 4.301 If you want to participate via Zoom, please register via email to Alina Gregori: Abstract: The effect of context on the prosody of vocative calls has been a topic of growing interest (a.o., Borràs-Comes et al. 2015, Huttenlauch et al. 2016, Arvaniti et al. 2016, Kubozono & Mizoguchi 2019). In Metropolitan French, just as in a variety of intonation languages, sweet and friendly contexts are typically associated with a chanting contour, while urgent contexts have been described to elicit a rising-falling contour (a.o., Ladd 2008, Jun & Fougeron 1995, Fagyal 1997, Delais-Roussarie et al. 2015, Di Cristo 2016). Little is known however as to the extent of this form-meaning association and the effect of context on the prosodic realization of the different contours. What is also...
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Aktuelle Ausgabe „Forschung Frankfurt“ – Beitrag zu ViCom und Gestenforschung

In der aktuellen Ausgabe des Wissenschaftsmagazins der Goethe-Universität: Forschung Frankfurt gibt es einen interessanten Beitrag zur visuellen Kommunikation und Gestenforschung mit Bezug zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Visuelle Kommunikation" unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Cornelia Ebert (Goethe-Universität) und Prof. Dr. Markus Steinbach (Universität Göttingen)(ab S.44): Link zur Homepage des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms "Visuelle Kommunikation":
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Merry Christmas and a happy new Year

Dear colleagues, students and guests of the Institute of Linguistics. The year is coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Enjoy a few peaceful days and recharge your batteries for the new year. Stay healthy - we look forward to seeing you again next year, even if virtually. Best regards Your Institute of Linguistics...
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