Talk by Candy Adusei (Stuttgart University)
We are happy to announce the next talk in the Phonology Colloquium by Candy Adusei (Stuttgart University) on "Relative Clause Attachment and Prosodic Phrasing in Akan Twi and English" on Wednesday, 10.01.2024, from 16-18 ct.
Ample research has been conducted on the intricacies of attachment preferences which are caused by ambiguity when the head noun of the relative clause to which it is attached is complex, exemplified in the sentence: The servant of the actress who shot the man is here. This has given rise to the high attachment (where the parser attaches the relative clause to the initial noun, ‘the servant’), versus the low attachment (where the relative clause is attached to the most recent noun, the actress’) debate. Different languages have been shown to prefer different attachments for various reasons. One of such theories which attempt to account for this variation is Fodor (2002)’s Implicit Prosody Hypothesis, which explains that attachment resolution is affected by the default prosodic phrasing...