Talk by Jeremy Kuhn (CNRS)
We are happy to announce a talk by Jeremy Kuhn (CNRS) at the Semantics Colloquium.
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Title: Boundaries in space and time: Iconic biases across modalities
Date: January 14
Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct
In cognition, spatial and temporal boundaries have been theorized to be central to humans' perception of objects and events. In language, a related semantic property has characterized the mass/count and telic/atelic oppositions, which have been argued to be grounded in these non-linguistic conceptual representations. Intriguingly, boundarihood has also been shown to be involved in a motivated mapping in sign language: telic verbs are associated with gestural boundaries.
In a series of experiments, we investigate the origin of this mapping bias. We show that non-signing subjects show an iconic bias to associate bounded forms with bounded meanings, and unbounded forms with unbounded meanings. The representations involved are abstract and domain general: the bias is found both for...