Talk by Cornelia Ebert (GU) and Christian Ebert (cabuu GmbH) – Wednesday, Jun 3, 4-6pm

We are happy to announce a talk by Cornelia Ebert (GU) and Christian Ebert (cabuu GmbH) next W E D N E S D A Y at the Semantics Colloquium. Please find an abstract below. Please note that you need to register beforehand. Please send a mail to before Wednesday 3pm. You will receive a reply with the access data (to zoom) on W E D N E S D A Y at 4pm (= immediately before the colloquium starts). Title: Pointing and its meaning Date: June 3rd Time: 4pm - 6pm --- Abstract: We propose a compositional analysis of pointing plus different speech expressions (indefinites, definites, and demonstratives in particular), where the pointing gesture has a fixed ‚lexical‘ semantics and contributes a certain conventional meaning depending on its accompanying phrase. As for pointing gestures with demonstratives, we argue that demonstratives can be analysed as semantically vacuous entities that only function as ‘dimension shifters’ from the non-at-issue to the at-issue dimension. The (‚lexical‘)...
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Talk by Alda Mari (Paris) – May 28, 4-6pm

We are happy to announce a talk by Alda Mari (Paris) next thursday at the Semantics Colloquium. Please find an abstract below. Please note that you need to register beforehand. Please send a mail to before thursday 3pm. You will receive a reply with the access data (to zoom) on thursday at 4pm (= immediately before the colloquium starts). Title: Subjunctive belief:  the common-ground-as-default-rule and its pragmatic effects Date: May 28th Time: 4pm - 6pm --- Abstract: In contrast to most other Romance languages, `believe' commonly and prescriptively takes subjunctive in Italian, though indicative is found as well, the choice of indicative or subjunctive has semantic effects. We show that the indicative with `believe' is used when the belief statement describes the personal mental state of the holder of the attitude, an interpretation that follows from the traditional Hintikkean semantics. In contrast, we show that subjunctive with `believe' is used to mark a relation between the content of belief and the discourse context.  To...
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Online-Talk by Jan Köpping (GU) – April 30, Thursday 4-6 pm

We are happy to announce a talk by Jan Köpping  (GU) next thursday at the Semantics Colloquium. Please find an abstract below. Since this talk will be held online, please note that you need to register beforehand. To do so, please send an email to before April 29. You will receive a reply with the access data (to zoom) on thursday at 4pm (= immediately before the colloquium starts). Title: Transparent Negation: Retroactive specification and zilch Date: April 30th Time: 4pm - 6pm Abstract: Judging from examples like the following, negation seems to be capable of blocking the accessibility of potential antecedents in its scope for anaphoric pronouns in subsequent discourse.   (1) No man walks in the park. *He whistles. (2) Peter doesn't own a car. *It's too expensive. On the other hand, there are several examples that cast some doubt on this assessment, be it the ease with which referential expressions outscope negation or the impact on further negation, just to name a few:   (3) Peter...
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