Talk by  Imke Driemel (HU Berlin) in the Syntax Colloquium (different time)

We are happy to announce a talk by  Imke Driemel (HU Berlin) in the Syntax Colloquium. The talk will take place in person and on Zoom. Room IG 0.454 Date: May 12 (Friday not Monday!) Time: 2 pm – 4 pm ct Title: Negative Concord without Agree: Insights from German, Dutch, and English child language Abstract: Children acquiring a non-negative concord language like Standard German and English consistently interpret sentences with negative concord as conveying a single semantic negation (Thornton et al. 2016, Nicolae and Yatsushiro 2020). Corpus-based investigations (Miller 2012, Thornton and Tesan 2013, Thornton et al. 2016, Nicolae and Yatsushiro 2020, Hein et al. 2023) for English, German, and Dutch show that children also produce sentences with two negative elements but only a single negation meaning. We review syntactic Agree-based analyses (Zeijlstra 2004, Zeijlstra 2011, Penka 2007, Penka 2011) and discuss the challenges they face in accounting for the typological variation and the child data. As a consequence, we develop a novel analysis of...
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Talk by  Katharina Hartmann and Johannes Mursell (GU Frankfurt) in the Syntax Colloquium

We are happy to announce a talk by  Katharina Hartmann and Johannes Mursell (GU Frankfurt) in the Syntax Colloquium. The talk will take place in person. Room IG 4.301 Date: May 08 Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct Title: Syntactic and morphological interactions of negation – evidence from African languages Abstract: In this talk, we lay out a project proposal for a potential CRC, investigating negation in two language families from Africa. More concretely, we investigate negation in the Mabia and Bantu languages, respectively,  and how negative markers interact with other functional morphology. For this, we will look at two basic domains, the vP/TP domain, considering interactions of negation with TAM and Conjoint/Disjoint marking, as well as the CP domain, where the discussion will mainly revolve around interactions between negation and imperative morphology....
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Two talks by Yassmina El Faida (GU) and Viktor Köhlich (GU) in the Syntax Colloquium

We are happy to announce two talks by Yassmina El Faida (GU) and Viktor Köhlich (GU) in the Syntax Colloquium. The talk will take place in person. Room IG 4.301 Date: February 6 Time: 4 pm – 6 pm ct Titles: Inflectional Morphology in Tarifiyt - A Typological Approach (Y. El Faida)               NO(t) Again! The Difficult Case of no in Japanese (V. Köhlich) Abstracts: Inflectional Morphology in Tarifiyt - A Typological Approach (Y. El Faida) In this presentation of my master thesis, I will be talking about the (inflectional) morphology of nouns and verbs in Tarifyt, an Afroasiatic Berber language spoken in north-eastern Morocco. According to Kossmann (2000), Tarifiyt exhibits synthetic morphology. In order to analyse the findings in the language, I will present a typological framework by Bickel & Nichols (2007), who claim that the traditional morphological analysis after von Schlegel (1808) is not sufficient enough to analyse the languages of the world, as it is too general and therefore unable to...
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Talk by Frank Kügler (GU) as part of his Tenure-Track Evaluation Process

We are happy to announce a talk by Prof. Frank Kügler (Institute for Linguistics, GU), which takes place as a part of his tenure track evaluation process. Title: Prosodie in der Linguistik – multimodale Perspektiven auf Sprache Date: Friday, February 03, 2023 Time: 12:30-13:30 Uhr Room: IG 1.411 (in person) Access via Zoom: If you would like to participate via Zoom, please contact Anke Himmelreich for the link...
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