Talk by Roland Hinterhölzl, Monday 11th 4-6 pm
We are very happy to announce the next talk of this semester’s Syntax Colloquium, which will take place on Monday, November 11, 4 – 6 pm in IG 4.301.
Roland Hinterhölzl (Venice) will talk about „A new approach to control and raising: From the Case-filter to the D-filter“.
I will present a novel approach to control and raising that is embedded in a predicative interpretation of Tense and a presuppositional approach to pronominal reference. Tense is shown, like nominal predicates, to be used referentially or attributively (Donellan 1966) and pronouns are argued to possess an abstract nominal predicate of the type participant (x,s). The distribution of PRO is shown to be determined by its basic property of lacking phi-feature. Thus, PRO lacks the presuppositional features that serve to identify its antecedent. Instead, PRO is identified via a binding relation of its situation argument – via Tense - to the matrix event and the s-selection of a C-head with a participant feature (+/-...