We are happy to announce the final talk in the phonology colloquium this semester by Miriam Riedinger (U Mainz).
Title: "Either phonological or phonetic features? Evidence for cue weighting in vowel processing"
Date: Wed 14.07.2021
Time: 16 - 18
Room: Zoom
Please register beforehand (Kuegler@em.uni-frankfurt.de) to receive the access data to zoom!
Miriam Riedinger – University of Mainz
In recent years much research has been conducted on vowel processing. Most studies assume that either phonological or phonetic features are necessary in vowel discrimination. Hence, mainly two models, the Featurally Underspecified Lexicon (Lahiri & Reetz, 2002, 2010) and the Natural Referent Vowel framework (Polka & Bohn, 2011), are discussed in this context. In my talk, I will present neuronal and behavioral evidence which suggests that vowel discrimination is not solely based on either phonological or phonetic features. I propose that both types of features are necessary in vowel processing and therefore it is more about prioritizing one or the other due to contextual factors....