We are happy to announce the next talk in the phonology colloquium  – Abstract below:
04.12.19 Beste Kamali (Bielefeld):
„On the role of syntax in exceptional word stress in Turkish“
Time: 16-18
Room: IG 4.301

Everybody is welcome!

— Abstract —
On the role of syntax in exceptional word stress in Turkish
As a fixed final stress language, morphological processes that induce non-final stress in Turkish have attracted much attention. These processes are compounding, cliticization, and pre-stressing. Accounts range from purely phonological (Inkelas 1999, Inkelas and Orgun 1998, Kabak & Vogel 2000, Inkelas and Orgun 2003 a.o.) to recently mostly syntactic (Kahnemuyipour and Kornfilt 29006, Newell 2008). I will review the prominent findings and provide a rejoinder to mostly syntactic accounts with novel as well as interconnecting observations.