We are happy to announce a talk by Frank Sode. Please find an abstract below.
Title: „Gut“ as a predicate of worlds
Room: IG 4.301
Date: November 28
Time: 4pm – 6pm
In this talk I discuss the meaning of the evaluative adjective „gut“ when combined with finite „dass“ (‚that‘)- and „wenn“ (‚if‘)-clauses as in (1).
(1) a. Es ist gut, dass du gehst.
It be.IND good that you go.IND
b. Es ist gut, wenn du gehst.
It be.IND good if you go.IND
c. Es wäre gut, wenn du gehen würdest.
It be.SUBJ good if you go will.SUBJ
The focus of this talk will be on the rules of use of these sentences against a given conversational background and how they can be derived from a semantics for „wenn“/“dass“ and IND/SUBJ under the assumption that „gut“ is a ‚regular‘ gradable adjective – with a twist: It takes a world argument in its subject position.